Pottery Taster Sessions


Image of Pottery Taster Sessions

Short and sweet taster workshops.
Spend 3 hours having a go on the wheel or hand building at SAZi Studio.
A beginner? No problem! Done it before? A good refresher then!
Take 3 hours to get a taste and feel for clay.

Costs include:

Expert, experienced and professional tuition
Preparation and administration
Materials and use of equipment and tools
Bisque and glaze firing (Kiln)
Coloured clay slips

Cost is £70 per person
The fee is non-returnable if cancelled within 14 days of the start of the workshop.

Reducing risk of COVID 19 transmission during SAZi Studio pottery workshops:

SAZi Studio works with small groups when running workshops, so a maximum of 3 people are in attendance on the throwing workshops and a maximum of 6 people are in attendance on the hand building pottery workshops. Below gives guidelines needed to prevent the transmission of COVID 19 in the studio space during workshops.

1. Please bring and wear a face mask for the duration of the workshop wherever possible.
2. Please confirm with SAZi Studio that you have not had any symptoms or been in contact with anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 in the 14 days before the workshop.
3. Any windows that are able to be opened during the workshop will be opened to help with ventilation and reduce risk.
4. Hand sanitiser to be used after entering the unit and at regular intervals during the workshop.
5. If multiple people required to touch the same thing hand sanitiser or handwashing to be used before and after.
6. Social distancing to be maintained wherever possible.
7. Activities, where social distancing is not possible, will be kept to a minimum and be kept to a maximum of 20 minutes at any one time.
8. All common surfaces will be wiped down before and after use with the available disinfectant.